Xtactic Process: My Take (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i'm not myself when you're around
not myself at all
not sure of where i'm supposed to be
searched so long for you
placed all my bets on you
couldn't lose
wanted so much to be loved by you
wished i could find someone as beautiful as you
but in the process
i forgot that i was special too
idolized you
made you more than a man
talent and beauty and intelligence
i was sold the whole package
but unaware that i was the whole package myself
i conformed when you didn't even ask
didn't realize that love doesn't divide
brought my baggage along for the ride
not sure of who i was
only that i wanted to be someone you wanted
i had to give that all up
i had to equal up
you taught me how to love
love you and love myself
realized along the way that it's the only way to be
flaws and all
masculine and feminine at the same time
smart and sexy
confident and kind
there is room to be all
love is freeing
it's a freedom
until it becomes a cage


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