I'm An Independent Mother Fucking Soul (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

while you attempt to define me
i'll refine me
you can't confine me
i'll break free
i'll be the me
i want to be
you'll see
i have strong wings to carry me away
from the shit you throw my way
i duck and roll
slip out of your control
i'm an independent mother fucking soul
with my prayer beads in hand and incense in the air
i breathe away the things you care
deep breath in
deep breath out
i'm not about
to let you steal my peace
i'll release
those thoughts you think i should think
back into my Buddha stance
no chance
of reforming me
no conforming me
it's just not in my blood
i've got a rebel heart
and free ass soul
never gonna do what i'm told
won't be sold
a story that isn't mine
my shrine
my own spot where i make it all disappear
joy and harmony
swarming me
lighting my way through the dark


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