Kissed By Judas (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i kissed Judas in the garden
fell into his gorgeous trap
he left me bleeding and alone
on the brink of death
gasping for air
i think i died a spiritual death that night
in the Garden of Gethsemane
the crown of thorns dug deeply
i sacrificed who i was to love him
and i knew that his grasp was cold
i knew it would kill me in the end
but i sought the danger
i lay on the ground
licking my wounds
if anyone would resurrect me it would be me
my resurrection
better than any erection
i slowly came back to life
been lied to
and beat down
i had nothing left to lose
but my faith
and it never faltered
i could be strong again
without him
scars would be my story
my glory
that i rose when it was assumed i was dead and forgotten
i was hung
but not on a cross
and when i licked my wounds could you taste it?
did you enjoy it?
watching me flogged metaphorically?
whipped until i couldn't stand
what part of you got pleasure in my pain?


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