He Chose Cocaine Over Me (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

lay your little heart in my hands
i'll glue it's shattered bits back together
and piece a love together
no one's ever died from tears
dry your eyes
i'm here to hold the pain away
and in your eyes a flame glows
you set my whole world on fire with one look
tears on your pillows just might teach you how to love again
i know the hurt
i know the way it crushes
how it evaporates
how it seizes your breath
feels like it will never diminish
he chose cocaine over me
i understand
he lost me
and i was so lost for a while
but those tears built strength
and i stand before you a man more capable to love
with a capacity that is not able to be measured
no one has ever died from love
so let me put you back together
let me breathe new life into your heart
be my treasure
make it worth the wait


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