United (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

it's time to unite
to fight
for the right
to love who we love
what they think in the corner somewhere
away from care
as we lay in this bed
our skin intertwined
i realize we look like a zebra
your smooth chocolate skin against my alabaster skin
how could this be wrong?
how could it be seen as so?
we've put men on the moon
an American lives on every continent on this planet
how can we can we not be tolerant?
our words don't have to divide
they don't have to hide
the love inside of us that will grow
if we show
that words like lights  in the night glow
our right
to love one another without boundaries
across the seas
let's hold hands and unite
it's our right
one world
one love
one word
whoever you believe created you
it's all the same
we are supposed to treat each other the way we want to be treated
not defeated
my voice rises
through disguises
it's all about love
me you blend in with me
that someone who accepts it
not rejects it
united we stand
united we fall
this is my call
to spread your words
like feathers on the mountaintop
can't stop
the spread
once the wind takes hold
be bold
his hand
her hand
love your other half
the winds of change are blowing


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