Hope Never Dies (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

flashbacks and echoes
i still see it all in my head
letting go in pieces
but never completely
lips i'll never forget
summer nights that caught my soul on fire
consumed by you
before i had a choice to backout i was already in the freefall
and i'm still falling
still loving you
even though it's officially over
those brown eyes
looking into them
so deep
like a tempest of emotions
and the way the morning light changed them to hazel
i was young
and dumb
and i had no idea what i had
no clue of the men we'd grow into
lust complicated love
but the love lingers on me
like fog around a mountain
hard to navigate
should i call?
should i pick up the phone and tell you how i feel?
or should i feed my soul with the memories we created?
i sit in a chair looking out at the rain falling on the city beneath me
and i wonder what you're thinking right now
and wonder if sometimes you miss me
a text comes
and that old dimply smile emerges
i simply can't hide
that your words bring me life
it's funny how "hey" from your soulmate
can make your day
maybe someday we will sort it out
in my heart the hope never dies


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