Buffalo Roam


As an essence 

Wear it around my neck 

Tuck in my back pocket 

It wanders down the road with me 

Feel it in the trees 

Hear it beneath ground 

How do I process what happened with us? 

Native hunters 


Twin flames burning bright 

Summoning buffalo over the plains 

There’s a flow to the seasons 

It’s palpable 

Fires with nature 

Conversations with the Father 

A spark ignited 

It’s inside of all of us 

Buried deeper sometimes 

The rain erodes facades 

Like wet clay we are reformed 

To return to the balance 

Leaves are the language 

As winds dance through them 

They sing their songs 

Hawks protect us 

Crows warn us 

Encroaching danger 

Evades us 

Listen closely 

You’ll never go wrong 


The hunted 

All become one 

Be wise with your words

Diligent with your actions 

There comes a time for each of us 

To seek shelter from the storm 

Hidden deep within us is a faith 

An unwavering belief 

In the resiliency of the sun 

We dance to celebrate its return 

We dance again for the rains 


Always permeating me 

I’ve got an aura 

I wear galaxies on my wrists 

I know where I’ve come from 

Even if I have no idea where I’m heading 

My tribe calls me home at the end of each day 

Home is inside of me 


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