Murder In The Desert

 The desert 

Likes young boy flesh 

Bones she can chew on 

Feeding off of the fat 

Chewing on your gristle 

Secrets just under her surface 

Tender and new 


No angel’s gonna come 

You’re out of saviors here 

On your own 



Left to little resources 

The desert 

She’s got a spirit 

She must be blessed 



With a gun to your head and your face in the dirt 

No pity 

No pleading 

Just the echoes of regret 

Call out 

Begging for any way out 

Think I heard him sell his soul 

As the bullet left its hole 

Not even a shallow grave 

The desert 

She’ll look after you 

Just as the cowboy is the Indian’s friend 

The pain will soon be over 

And you’ll never be in this place again 

Your spirit will fly 

As your carcass returns to its organic nature 

The desert 

She smiles 

Drunk on sacrifice 

How come it happens like this? 

Happens all the time 


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