
 Spent my nights searching 

on the corner of El Paso and Kelly St 

I found him 

Lurking and brooding 

Eager to talk 

Over rounds of mezcal we poured our stories into each other 

Realizing that we are the same 

Kindred spirits 

Permian dreams 

Arid by nature 

Swimming through desire 



Enough to keep us different 

Yet enough to bond us 

This desert town 

With its dust and its history 

Vaqueros and Indians run through my dreams

Sunlight breeds shadows 

Stretched long and true 

 darkness sparks light from within 

Stars glitter

Clouds dance by

If it pricks bites or stings you’ll find it here 

There’s a comfort in that for me 

Must be why I kick up dust 

Carve this path through it 

Running like water 

I always return 

Worn out but learned 

What I’m running to is what I ran from 

Me and my past 

And my dust colored 


Somehow my future seems hued in water colors 


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