The Watcher

 Blood from my fingers 

Treasures in my hand

Dug beneath the surface

Found the soul of this land 

The heartbeat 


She was born in the winter 

In an abandoned adobe 

A witch 


Doer of what needs to be done 

If you cross her


best that you run 

For the magic that resides here

Knows nothing of right or wrong 

You get what’s coming to you 

Whether it’s love or it’s harm 

I keep my feet toasty 

By the fire in her breath 

My love like the ocean 

Is of unknown depth 

She speaks of Ocotillo 

Of light and love and peace 

She deluges the desert

Coming down like rain in sheets 

Soaking beneath the dust 

Permeating the earth 

Giver of her soul energy

Unaware of its worth 

No laws in this land 

It’s of your own hand 

Your creation or destruction 

Slips into being amongst the sand 

The gods aren’t domesticated 

Heaven is overrated 

Don’t worry of your hell 

Scream into the void 

Your secrets she’ll never tell 


You’re all I’ve left to sing to 

So I sing my heart out into the night 

Stars, my greatest audience 

Truth and authenticity tucked in my back pocket 

I smile knowing the universe shelters me 

Even as she observes 


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