Marfa as Muse

 I am bathed in the light 

Warm and golden 

The sun light here has her secrets 

Of paths once tread 

And battles unknown 

How silly of men to erect fences 

To display ownership of a land not theirs 

She is coming for it 

All of it 

And it will become hers again 

I can see her hair flowing in the indigenous grasses 

Swaying with silent strength 

When you recognize, you know 

Her pulse runs under the ground here 

An electric presence 

Just as the winds blow the earth clean 

So does her magic cleanse your spirit 

Spirits run free here 

Unabashedly undisguised 

For she is them and they are her 

As above, so below 

In humility I whisper in her winds 

“I long to return” 

It’s carried away 

Perhaps to land in the desert 

To grow roots to which I shall return 

For she is now me, and I am now her


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