
Showing posts from June, 2014

Letting Go (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i hope that you are resting quietly and that you've found the peace you never could in life in stillness i've found my voice i've found a way to let go of you found my flame finding a way to quiet my ego and know realness i'm changing learning growing so i am putting you in my past i can't have you in "today" i've made my peace with that so i will try to keep your legacy alive by being the best man i can be i'll honor you with my being i used to be so angry when people suggested i should learn to let you go and now i have learned and in the absence of anger grew my peace

108 Prayers (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

today i listened not just heard i listened as the birds sang around me i listened to the bamboo rustling in the breeze i felt the energy of the earth the force that makes the sun rise each day the pull that keeps the planets aligned that core energy in each of us it's what makes us special i closed my eyes i didn't need to rely on my sight i listened for everything i needed today i could feel the vibration of the energy around me i felt one with the flow in solitude i recited 108 prayers i offered peaceful energy into the world around me and i heard as it flowed out i knelt in reverence as my voice recited the prayers i listened to the vibration my words created i listened as i put peace into motion peace for you peace for myself i prayed very hard for peace today i prayed to be a better version of myself and i was thankful for the path that the past year has taken me down

Nirvana Awaits (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

sitting in reverence your green marble figure reminding me of my divinity that i should try to be more like you conscious patient forgiving that Nirvana awaits that my ego is but a fragment of who i am i am at peace bowed in offering to you a small symbol of what i get back i pray silent silence peace i am humbled by your nature i am intrigued by your peace i seek to know more to do more to be better beneath this temple i feel reborn awake my eyes are open not only to what i should change but to what i have forgotten to celebrate

Frozen (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i roamed the barren desert of your heart a treacherous landscape void of life trying to win your love i had to split my psyche in 3 one of me stood there, frozen just waiting, listening for a heartbeat something to beckon me the second of me investigated searching for a source of life a potential for love my fingernails split from digging through the dry, rough surface of your heart foreign  my third counterpart had to charm you lure you into the rain to feel the rhythm of your heart as it splashed in the wetness in solitude i learned a great deal about myself and my past and my strength i faced my weaknesses conquered the demons in my own head that would not accept love and i poured myself out to you i encountered walls obstacles i prayed not to be prey the tundra of your being almost leaving me permafrost but my love was a source of light and slowly but surely it thawed out enough of your terrain that you opened up like a flower

Life Lesson 101 (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

We are taught to go out into the world and work. Succeed. Make money. Buy things. Houses. Cars. Clothes. We are bombarded with reality TV and faux celebrities flashing $1000 bottles of champagne and $1,000,000 cars. Living in $50,000,000 homes and taking private jets to faraway places. What we are not reminded of on a daily basis is that what REALLY matters is how you treat others. What you put out into the world around you. Because eventually those cars break down, those houses begin to fall apart, the clothes go out of style. BUT the one thing that doesn't ever fade away is love. And if you want to be part of making the world a better place, the easiest way to do so is to be kind to the person standing next to you. Just a smile and a courteous "hello" can set change into motion. Quit thinking big. Think small. Think about what you can do to help someone. Do you know someone in need of money? Give them $10. That small contribution (which is equivalent to a visit to Starb

You Took Forever Off The Table (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you took forever off the table without even discussing it with me i no longer answer my phone when you call i think it's only fair driving fast late at night the highway before me symbolizing a new path my sunroof open the night sky blanketing above me stars like tiny holes to heaven twinkle on the wind in my hair the feeling of freedom the night pregnant with opportunity i always knew i never wanted this all the broken promises i'll never miss on this night i feel reborn like a new man on a mission live fast run free love is a game too complicated for me the brevity of life hangs in my mind i've wasted too much time on romantic love i'll drive on in the night alone

You're My Ocean (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you're my ocean sometimes i float on your smooth as glass surface other times i'm fighting for my life beneath your turbulence yet i love you all of you the beautiful days the stormy nights i love the way the sun bathes you in its golden glory and i'm not sure who is lovelier (it's hard to outshine the sun, but you do sometimes) you give me life nourish a part of me that was nearly dead i swim through your seas you bring me to my knees you contain little treasures that i'm always happy to find you're vast and full of secrets you're my ocean my sea ain't no place i'd rather be than right beneath your surface drifting dreaming sailing bobbing you take me where i need to be your silent power amazes me when i'm at my driest i'm still wet each day a new discovery

Honely (by Harvey LeBeouf from Kaplan, LA)

I found this woman who is perfect for me, She loves me even when she ain't lonely. There was a time when women only loved me when they were horny and lonely. Them girls were just honely. This new girl she sure is sweet, I finally have one worth sweeping off her feet. Them ol girls from the past can kiss my ass. It sure is nice to finally meet a woman with some class. My friends used to see me in the bar, they would say harv that girl don't love you man she is just horny and lonely. That bitch is honely. Now they see me out and about, And everyone knows what me and my new girl are all about. She don't just love me when she is horny and lonely. She loves me all the time not just when she is honely.

Life In Louisiana (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

life in Louisiana for me means gorgeous scenery mighty oaks covered in moss alligators turtles, fish, snakes boundless seafood the Gulf of Mexico in our backyard life in Louisiana is slower humid sticky it's about summer evenings on the porch with your favorite drink telling tall tales laughter celebration our history runs deep our love does too Louisiana is a melting pot it's dark past is slowly emerging as a promising future people will look you in the face here and say, "mais hello cher" they smile la joie de la vie there is joy here from dusty festivals filled with music and food to lazy plantations that stand as testaments to our past from winding bayous to mysterious swamps lined with cypress trees we live in a rich, beautiful state we burst with culture and life i look out at the state around me and i'm filled with pride to live here Louisiana is my love i'll take crawfish boils and beer over traffic jams and smog any day

Let Them Smoke, Drink, and Slander (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

there are people who will attack you brush them off cast them away there are people who live for drama who desire to take you down their motive is usually jealousy so, let them smoke, drink and slander raise your head high walk tall be strong for the ones who give you a hard time are the ones who build your character let them carry on at some point people will see them like they've bathed in Windex to the crazy one who goes on and on and on spewing your words of hate to everyone you think will listen i thank you you can't truly hate someone unless you love them and if you didn't give a damn, you'd really just shut up so thank you for the love you show even if your expression is twisted i forgive you it's the only way you know to be dysfunctional and you've removed weeds from my garden my life is happier and sunnier without you

Not The Marrying Kind (James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

be kind i'm not the marrying kind love me from afar no jar shall capture me like a lightning bug hug me don't trap me in when i'm ready i'll reveal what's concealed the deal not sealed until i say my day not governed by your desire to couple i chuckle at that old hat to think that you need someone to be fulfilled deal with the fact jack that if i think i can do better alone i'll roam until i find a mate worth giving forgiving of my flaws and all fall madly in love still might not say "i do" for you no sign you're mine might just have to know it rather than show it a feeling deep within you win my heart never part love me for who i am no sham no farce remorse for trying to fence me in begin to accept that i'm wilder than you thought can't be bought my love i hand over with caution not ever so often

Love Spent Pt 4 (by James Leland Ludeau From Lafayette,LA)

Love Spent yeah i'm love spent wondering where it all went you blew through my money faster than my love but i'm spent it's spent we're spent feeling love spent paid my debt in full you pull at my strings make me do things i'd not normally do you make me want to sacrifice all that i have glad just to have you around but your greed i take heed it devours showers you and me the lust in your eyes is green seen by me we can't work out you're about what you can gain at my expense repents you claim what i've earned shoulda learned to love me for me free from that trap your grasp on my earnings leaves me yearning for love that means more than what's in store for you you gain my pain ignored endured enough of this shit i quit love spent bankrupt corrupt love has left me broke i choke on the words i tried to say my day consumed by your greed indeed i'll survive and thrive without you sucking the

If You Can't Take The Heat (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

if you can't take the heat get out my kitchen stop bitcin' that i'm hotter than you thought caught up in your old way of thinking sinking beneath the heat that i radiate great that i am not afraid to burn you yearn to be chopped on my block your cock exposed the show of you do what you have to to show grow know that what you show you become homerun my kitchen contains the heat tweet your ass off smoke some grass off get high reply to what i say to you do the glue that binds us lust does not begin to tell the tale hell we've been through it didn't ruin us the love i have for you is deep it seeps in creeps in my psyche reshaped me raped me my soul remains whole you built me up not corrupt our love above all loves i hold dear you're near my heart no part art like a painting you stroke me provoke me to create my muse my fuse you take me higher inspire something deep within my soul longs to be whole

Thirsty Bitch...Take A Sip (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

too eager you beaver you pussy ass mother fuckers wanna drink it up from my cup thirsty like Kirstie Alley shall we get fat you 'bout that? for what you suck down you clown won't give you wings or wedding rings you thirsty bitch take a sip from my pimp ass cup drink up thinking you could be me puh leeze your sleeze will never wear my crown bow down you thirsty bitch take a sip get a grip build your own life won't wife me free from all that shit not one bit will i give in dirty not thirsty i've done what i've wanted taunted you i do what i feel get real my cup runneth over red rover range rovers you thirsty bitches take a sip dip yourself in my magic you're tragic revealed healed or concealed it's up to you what you do chasing my shadow trying to claim my throne alone i stand my hand in the air no care for pretenders no surrenders for me as i pour it over your head you're baptized my secrets

Mr Roboto (by Louis Toliver Jr by way of Austin, Tx)

Lights down low Swag turns glow Pump a 70s beat Grooves to our feet Strobe light Tongue fight Pump the beat Get your feet My hips gyrate Got boyfriends irate Robotic Flobotic Baby-maker Soul-shaker Mr. Roboto, So Floboto My swag turns glow Those lights down low Get your feet Pump the beat

Unapologetic Bitch (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you want me to feel sorry you wish i were meek when you throw you words in my face i turn the other cheek not weak brave i crave to rise above i'll rest on my cloud secure my crown my tombstone will read Unapologetic Bitch i'm not sorry for not being sorry for offending you not defending you your thoughts never influenced my actions i think for myself i'm not your bitch, don't hang your shit on me not attached to your judgment no concern for your opinion i live my life out loud in full color for me unapologetic for what i've done to get me here i'm an unapologetic bitch i seek no redemption from the world around me don't feel sorry for me i brought i all upon myself a dazzling show a spectacle and i was entertaining because i didn't give a fuck what you thought still don't wouldn't feel sorry then still not sorry now Unapologetic Bitch i won't bow down can't tear me down won't break me down i'l

I Will Always Love You (by Louis Toliver Jr by way of Austin,Tx)

When you laid me down Touched me, no frown What boy wouldn’t get wet Yet Your touches Were rushes Waves gone deep into my blood My heart Yours My body Yours truly Love me like you do Just us two Say those sweet words Like gentle birds Driving me towards ecstasy More wet I crave you If you leave my bed I will always love you

Who's That Boy? (by Louis Toliver Jr by the way of Austin, Tx)

I was spitting words like Madonna Hanging out with some brothas Trying to figure out where we were we were stuck between Papa Don't Preach and Like a Prayer but then this boy walked by so sexy, confident like a lioness, hiding her inner lion he wanted more than groins a lion with an inner lioness, me i just had to Express Myself Who's that Boy? Erotica took hold My center is the Borderline like that i was on top passion between us like that i was on bottom his center glued to my back the energy was one, chemistry so sudden, so right Frozen, we weren't pop Music Look deeper, we are more he shot inside me his Ray of Light He held me, i wept I was no longer Like a Virgin Nothing like a Material Girl