Life Lesson 101 (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

We are taught to go out into the world and work. Succeed. Make money. Buy things. Houses. Cars. Clothes. We are bombarded with reality TV and faux celebrities flashing $1000 bottles of champagne and $1,000,000 cars. Living in $50,000,000 homes and taking private jets to faraway places. What we are not reminded of on a daily basis is that what REALLY matters is how you treat others. What you put out into the world around you. Because eventually those cars break down, those houses begin to fall apart, the clothes go out of style. BUT the one thing that doesn't ever fade away is love. And if you want to be part of making the world a better place, the easiest way to do so is to be kind to the person standing next to you. Just a smile and a courteous "hello" can set change into motion. Quit thinking big. Think small. Think about what you can do to help someone. Do you know someone in need of money? Give them $10. That small contribution (which is equivalent to a visit to Starbucks) may begin to change that person's life.
The older i get the more clearly i see that we are all connected. We should support one another in all the ways that we can. "when you know better, you do better." That is one of my favorite quotes. I used to subscribe to the idea that the more you had in life the greater you became. I no longer think or feel that way. I'm working to keep my life smaller. Simpler.
This season, i've taken small road trips with friends of mine to visit parts of our glorious state that i've never taken the time to visit. And suddenly, it's like i'm in a whole new world. i'm in wonderment of the beauty that surrounds us here in Louisiana.
I've seen many friends bash our state and flee it. And i've seen several of them who were just running from themselves. you can change your geography, but wherever you go, you take yourself with you. I doubt that Louisiana ever made anyone miserable. I'm pretty sure you do that to yourself.
My point is, take a look around. A real look. Try to absorb the beauty of this life and this place. Savor it. It's what will carry you through. Nothing you can buy will buy your happiness. You have to CREATE it.


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