108 Prayers (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

today i listened
not just heard
i listened as the birds sang around me
i listened to the bamboo rustling in the breeze
i felt the energy of the earth
the force that makes the sun rise each day
the pull that keeps the planets aligned
that core energy in each of us
it's what makes us special
i closed my eyes
i didn't need to rely on my sight
i listened for everything i needed today
i could feel the vibration of the energy around me
i felt one with the flow
in solitude i recited 108 prayers
i offered peaceful energy into the world around me
and i heard as it flowed out
i knelt in reverence
as my voice recited the prayers
i listened to the vibration my words created
i listened as i put peace into motion
peace for you
peace for myself
i prayed very hard for peace today
i prayed to be a better version of myself
and i was thankful for the path that the past year has taken me down


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