Who's That Boy? (by Louis Toliver Jr by the way of Austin, Tx)

I was spitting words like Madonna
Hanging out with some brothas
Trying to figure out where we were
we were stuck between
Papa Don't Preach
and Like a Prayer
but then this boy walked by
so sexy, confident
like a lioness, hiding her inner lion
he wanted more than groins
a lion with an inner lioness, me
i just had to Express Myself
Who's that Boy?
Erotica took hold
My center is the Borderline
like that i was on top
passion between us
like that i was on bottom
his center glued to my back
the energy was one, chemistry
so sudden, so right
Frozen, we weren't pop Music
Look deeper, we are more
he shot inside me his Ray of Light
He held me, i wept
I was no longer Like a Virgin
Nothing like a Material Girl


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