Let Them Smoke, Drink, and Slander (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

there are people who will attack you
brush them off
cast them away
there are people who live for drama
who desire to take you down
their motive is usually jealousy
so, let them smoke, drink and slander
raise your head high
walk tall
be strong
for the ones who give you a hard time
are the ones who build your character
let them carry on
at some point people will see them like they've bathed in Windex
to the crazy one who goes on and on and on
spewing your words of hate to everyone you think will listen
i thank you
you can't truly hate someone unless you love them
and if you didn't give a damn, you'd really just shut up
so thank you for the love you show even if your expression is twisted
i forgive you
it's the only way you know to be
and you've removed weeds from my garden
my life is happier
and sunnier without you


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