Frozen (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i roamed the barren desert of your heart
a treacherous landscape void of life
trying to win your love
i had to split my psyche in 3
one of me stood there, frozen
just waiting, listening for a heartbeat
something to beckon me
the second of me investigated
searching for a source of life
a potential for love
my fingernails split from digging through the dry, rough surface of your heart
my third counterpart had to charm you
lure you into the rain
to feel the rhythm of your heart as it splashed in the wetness
in solitude i learned a great deal about myself
and my past and my strength
i faced my weaknesses
conquered the demons in my own head that would not accept love
and i poured myself out to you
i encountered walls
i prayed
not to be prey
the tundra of your being almost leaving me permafrost
but my love was a source of light
and slowly but surely it thawed out enough of your terrain
that you opened up
like a flower
bloomed right in front of my eyes
my sorcery worked
the spell i cast to revive your heart
and its beat was faint for a long time
until it grew
a trust established between us
and when i handed you my hand
my heart was included
and you saw through my own protective mechanisms
my insecurities began to melt away
until i was naked and exposed
and we began a dance of lust
love followed
i no longer feared you
you no longer feared love
we'd won
no longer barren
the land of our love was lush and beautiful
and i'd have waited until my death
for one of your kisses
i melted your heart


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