Half Black (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i tried to shock you
i tried to be the standout
never wanted to follow the crowd
but deep down in my rebel heart
i knew better
your opinion wold never from me
not crumble me
i'd be who i am
afraid or not
and every relationship i had was balanced on what i'd gain or lose
trying to right my wrongs
but still don't belong
i'm an outcast
built to last
not fit in
not set up to win
but to survive
to thrive
half black
not quite white
that's where i feel right
deep down in my rebel heart
tearing apart
who i was
and who you thought i should be
i'm free
take these shackles off my feet
so i can dance
put you in a trance
my realness
not what you expected
half rejected
but i still have my voice
and my words
and i'll be true to me


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