Weighed Down By A Love That Could Not Survive (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

on the floor
i got it all wrong
and i remember your kisses
and they tasted like almonds, sea salt and chocolate
they lingered
bitter and sweet
and where i fucked up
was that i could not recognize
my hatred for myself
so i was unable to love you
like you needed
my intentions full of pride
i had to mask my strength
to attract you
and then distract you
to show you my sweetness
i possess both
and these words
they are tattooed on my heart
this pain
hurts like fucking hell
i miss you
you are the only one i've ever really loved
and now that i love myself
and i've accepted my flaws
i've embraced my imperfection
i see how perfect
we could have been
and i carry that with me
weighted down
by a love that could not survive


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