How Does It Feel? (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

as the sunlight dances across my face
it occurs me to me
that i'd love to know what it feels like
for a girl in this world
to know that you're smarter than what's penetrating you
but to have to dumb yourself down for the pleasure
or the security
knowing that you have this strength that you have to hide
how does that feel?
you have this thing that makes men weak
but you can't be strong
or you'll scare them away
that struggle
the game
of pretending to be one thing when you really are the opposite
if i were a girl
i'd make you earn the rights to ride it
like the Wild West
you'd have to prove your worth
i can see my outfit
denim and rhinestones
i'd attract you into the backseat
and then bite your head off like a black widow spider
see, i can't hide my strength
even though sometimes i feel weak


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