Hemorrhaged (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i knew that i was falling
and there was nothing i could do to stop it
as i was building my arms up
i let my guard down
and you crept in
like the early morning light
and you changed how i see things
you changed how i feel about love
and that character that i spent so long perfecting
is but a memory
i'm not really so strong
around you i feel very weak
i can not resist the way i feel when you are next to me
and the sword and shield fall away
and the battle is no longer on the field
but it's in my DNA
the fight
this feeling
like my skin is being ripped away
and i'm exposed to the bone
all that i've concealed is leaking freely now
i lay there
and i'm reborn
a new man
a softer version of who i thought i needed to be
and it's palpable
this love that i feel for you
it dictates my actions
you're my moon
i'm your ocean
and you create waves in me
for once i don't feel capsized
i feel righted by what i feel for you
and i rest my head in peace
knowing that half the battle is won
the other half
is just me accepting that there was no battle at all
just the process
of growing
to know love
to know me
to feel peace


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