I Lost The War (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

"I'm Carlos"
my whole world came pouring down
bowed my head as i lost the war
he stalked me
like prey
but i'm a Leo
pinned against the shower wall i felt the humidity of our lust
and he stung my lips with his kisses
strength and vulnerability
a battle
can i be strong enough to be respected?
yet weak enough to give in?
this feels like fireworks
my fingertips light up when i touch his skin
there's a beauty to him
a purity
like a cobalt blue sky
feels like we are both moving through thick liquid
slow motion
it's a dance
our movements
his eyebrows so dark and thick
like i can see them even in the dark
this spark
i'm so on fire
he's a wet dream dressed like a day dream
and i'm lackadaisical
he looks like my next mistake
and i'm ok with that


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