
Showing posts from April, 2014

This April Day (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

sitting here in the Spring sun a cool breeze grazing my skin and i feel alive again like your kiss gave me life set my heart on fire i've always been one led by passion sometimes a blessing sometimes a disaster but always a thrilling ride the way your soul speaks to me in a language not yet discovered and how my body responds it's explosive the road i traveled to get to where i am now well it was full of bumps and bruises along the way i had to earn what i've got the hard way if you trust in me i can make you see love can open any door and this feeling, it's my religion now my faith runs deep on this April day sitting in the light of the sun basking in the light of our love and the light in my soul dims them all and with a Mona Lisa smile i grant this day you'll never know what i'm thinking but i'll show you how i'm feeling

Real (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

let's make this hot as you can stand it lick my tattoos and i'll suck on your nipple rings the love here in these sheets is real and it stains it lasts my naked skin buck wild fucking in waves crave the depth in your eyes the love in your heart our connection organic volcanic explosions you make my heart smile and my toes curl

Nothing Else Matters (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

your heartbeat in sync with mine stars explode a journey of souls we traveled together we drifted apart and here we are again face to face and all i have to offer is my heart nothing else matters i love you i always have i always will those 3 a.m. conversations didn't go to waste wanting to hold you now exposed not such a badass those kisses sealed the deal it's done i'm real no more pretending

Lucky (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i waited many years to show you how i feel i peeled away the facade and i showed you what was inside flaws and all i handed you my heart exposed i trust you always knew you knew too you waited you let me do what i needed to do you let me be the center of attention until i exhausted myself of that desire the first time i held your hand fireworks up and down my spine the first time i kissed your lips my dreams came true your hand on my knee as i drove down the highway i needed nothing else simple easy finally a perfect day each breath i took that day counted i could finally breathe someone loved me for me not for what i had to offer not because i was attractive not because i was funny but because i was me lucky

Before You've Woken Up (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i wake up and i realize Good Lord you're fucking beautiful your skin the color your breath shallow while you sleep your face carved by God i'm even in love with your eyebrows i love to watch you sleep like you're in a state of peace content happy in my bed the morning light casts its magic on you you make me feel a feeling i've never known i could write a symphony just to express how i feel right now you make my soul come alive when the eyes of a lion stare into another lion's eyes trust strength pride love loyalty and all of this surfaces before you've even woken up

Lost In My Constellation (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

it's your huge arms it's the way you challenge me the way you make me smile the laughter you spread you intoxicate me you've woven yourself into my DNA you are part of me tattooed on my heart forever i love you in a way that i haven't loved anything or anyone before you are my soulmate and when you walk out of the room i get lonesome you have a hold on me i melt like butter one text one word and i'm in the clouds you call me out on my bullshit and then we laugh about it together you erase my past you heal my wounds you cast away my insecurities don't know what i'd do without you you say you love getting lost in my constellation i'd love you to stay there forever

Shane Smith (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

these summer evenings make me miss being in your arms your smile bigger than the sky eyes that got me everytime i just can't seem to get you off my mind you made me feel a love that will never end i know you look down on me i feel you in my heart sometimes a single bird flying in the sky the bloom of a flower speaks your name to me your smile was warmer than the sun i miss holding your hand i miss your voice i cherish the memories we made lucky to have been part of your story you live on in us

Your Grammar Thinner Than Your Waist (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

your words i know so well you can't spell go to hell your Grindr profile not worth my while guile your grammar thinner than your waist a waste of time my rhyme due time i shine enshrine your hate i shake off scoff at your stupidity humidity sticks to your skin sin within erupts corrupts your butt's been around clown get down show them other boys your style worthwhile i think not you got to go show your flow exit shit not fast enough tough shit you get the message presage your humbling your mumbling your gossip gossiper vomitter slur words of rage a cage you wish you capture me enrapture me set free above a dove i fly you die silently violently letting go your show ending sending you into the depths of hell so well so swell can't tell your tale of me we parted ways gays cripple and devour sour in my mouth deep south slavery savory tastes like shit you get your heritage to whip abandon ship sw

Cum Dumping; Blank Shot (by James Leland Ludeau from Lafayette,LA)

i'm morphin' dwarfin' your hate the slate i wipe clean you're mean my means leans in the direction of the sun you're done i'm sick of your shit not one bit permeates my ear queer throwing up your guts your butts full of shots lots of cum dumping clumping in your hair sticking to your face my wad my god i'm sick of shooting your way i slay you stay behind me can't unwind me you find me at the top of the heap you weep tears of jealously and hate wait i've exposed you reposed you i fought off the curse of you i curse you to live a life you design you'll find yourself caught in your own web dead sucked the life out of yourself wealth of hate shaped you the villain never winning sinning sinking again and again

This Attack (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

for this attack get back glick glack blam i'll slam this gun into your chest no rest for the weary dreary as you are little star your light so brief grief stricken sicken my stomach and my head that i slept in your bed you hands touched me in the dark remark able bull shit you spit my way make way my way away from you like glue in the heat of the sun unstuck now i run no fucks you cluck like a chicken lickin' your feathers to look nice suffice you're lice i itch bitch to break free me against you like poo to my shoe you stick you sick fucking bitch i long to rub you off my sole my soul asshole you can't destroy me as hard as you might i take flight above your game shame you name you reframe you the picture on the wall you thought you had it all i took it out of your hand like sand slipping from your grip the ship you sailed into the abyss you missed and those arrows came right back at you undo your gl

Where I'm Supposed To Be (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you criticize me in one moment and kiss me in the next you fuck with my head and you play on my heart i feel crucified by your scorn i feel the nails pierce my skin as you stab me must i bear the cross of your own self loathing? must i suffer your sins? no but it leaves me feeling empty how i long to make you whole how i want to erase your pain and the things you accuse me of you are guilty of yourself your glass house exposed you explode with wrath and fury you try to knock me down but i've endured struggles you can't imagine i've been through a hell that makes you seem simple you throw names at me you cast words upon my soul thinking that you'll destroy what's left but i can take it i'm more able than you imagine feel the blood and sweat on my fingertips that's what i want for me no easy ride we collide good vs. evil and my true beauty lies within the cracks my facade slowly falls away and if no one but me loves me once i&#

You Killed Everything In Me But Hope (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

your love punched me square in the jaw felt my teeth rattle tasted the blood and that was just from your stare your touch it removed my flesh and left me burning full of desire pinned beneath your lustful glance like a fly trapped to fly paper i had nowhere to go just a slow, sinking death into oblivion you couldn't love me back you didn't know how you destroyed yourself with a fervor like a fury a fire burning out of control you consumed us both exhausted my regard until i laid still and played dead i adored you felt like i was protected by an army with your love naked stripped bare my heart, my skin, my soul my love and your intent was just to capture me frozen trapped showcased your prey i lay on the floor holding my breath so you'd think i no longer existed but i resisted like the tiniest of seeds beneath the snow of winter i knew that the first ray of the spring sun would bring me back to life you killed everything in me but ho

My Lament: Die Another Day (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i wanted the good life never signed up for an easy ride i strived to earn it all my place in this world never one who played his hand in love it ate me up like a cancer killing the joy of my soul instead i longed to feel the sun on my face i longed for the days that i felt free i longed for home and his arms were so empty once they crumbled into dust my fucked up version of love and my ideal of lust i longed for a father figure it figures that i'd search my whole life trying to fill a void not realizing that i am whole not defined by time or space i go round and round just like a circle i can see a clearer picture what i want is to live forever when i touch the ground i come full circle to my place and i am home not beneath the earth like him full of regret and worms not void of energy not lacking of warmth i saw him fade away and i don't want any part of that i know i have to let go of the past it didn't last but memory sometimes plays wi

Your Parade of Hate (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the atmosphere around me ignited with your hatred you threw words at me like balls of fire i closed my eyes and prayed and suddenly the goodness in me rained on your parade of hate drowning out the sting of your words neutralizing and eventually extinguishing the flame of your detestation deep within i know that hatred is born in love and jealousy is like a cancer that consumes its host and i choose not to see that happen i walked away no longer participating i have more respect for myself than that a war of words has never accomplished anything but hurt and i've experienced enough hate in my life to last eons so i forgive you and i wish you well Jesus taught to turn the other cheek Do onto others it took me many years to contain my reactionary responsiveness but last year when i carved the word "forgive" on my chest it became my anthem i forgive you i release my soul from giving into the hate and i walk away in prayer i hope you find the peace you

Undone (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

it was one of those pre-summer mornings when the air is orange and yellow and crystal clear the world looks like a Fellini movie beauty on the outside gore on the inside out of all the people you wanted me the most you ran your fingers through my brown hair and you caressed my tattoos and asked their stories our eyes locked on one another and the rotation of the earth slowed a bit a drunken world "how do i keep you?" you asked "don't make me want to give up" i answered simply we had a connection that can last lifetimes a love without borders a desire hotter than July but i sensed its undoing i could feel it coming and i knew you could to you snapped black and white pictures of me knowing that they'd be reminders for you in the future the only part of me you'd hold onto as the passion cooled the love died a silent death what we'd created together had come undone the only heat on my skin now was the sun's kiss "you sa

Born In A Cage (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

birds born in a cage think flying is an illness they know not the freedom of feeling the wind helping you to soar as my cage grew smaller my dreams of breaking away grew larger you would never listen when i needed someone to talk to like it was all beneath you started out as love descended into hate my time in the sun limited by your control issues and i've always had an appetite for the light and insatiable desire to be paid attention to my pysche bent by the walls of the cage of your love so i played my part well enough to gain your trust many days i'd light on your finger while you fed me lies and i ate it with disgust in my soul and i didn't escape so you thought i was yours to keep caged forever i pretended so well your words were heaven your kisses hell one orange evening you let me out to feed me your shit like usual and i took my chance i spread my wings and i soared above you i heard your cries but you had no idea what you were crying for

Justify My Love (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

if the world was ending and we were spinning into our own destruction a deconstruction of everything we thought and have done would i be the one? right before we're blown apart could i have your heart? it's not a sin if you give in doesn't matter if it's fast or slow as long as you go let go of you ego and know that it's me who casts the light on you do you even see it? beneath your shit? and in your final days be amazed by what's in front of you, not behind unwind fall into my arms no harm let me love you as you deserve no reserves because it will all end one day do you want to say that you could've had it all but refused to fall because of the voices in your head don't end up dead regretting you had get in the ring and put on your gloves and Justify My Love

Amazed (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Day fades into night I continue this fight Don't want to meet my end of days Feeling I wasn't amazed by the life all around me seeing with clarity life is in the moments we create bound by love, not hate so many things take my breath away as night gives way to day....

The Love Club (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

there's calculation in the sweetest chaos we'll always win at this we gladiate but we're really fighting ourselves wide awake words in my brain you can try and take us but we're the gladiators and the cries go out and they lose their minds for us our love,  their entertainment there's a humming in the restless summer air and electricity between us we let our battles choose us we like our fun archaic the glory and gore of love someone always suffers in the end the other takes more than he gives so, who wins? and the choir serenades as the grenades drop bombs missing limbs torn up flesh love kills us in a fantastic way the display we can't take our eyes off it sweat and blood fall onto the ground and the fight continues until one of gives in gives up captive victimized our taste for blood is Roman romantic twisted how we love to watch each other crumble we all want to win sandals strapped on swords in hand shields up fight

In The Arena (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i know we are not everlasting a trainwreck waiting to happen one day the blood won't flow so gladly but while it's good let's live life its fullest the richest let's make this love exquisite decadent let's gorge on each other insatiable inescapable we're dancing in this world alone and life is frail nothing is indestructible it all burns out at some point but when your lips meet my neck i forget about all the thinking apocalyptic love the final destruction of everything that i've felt insecure about you're the sun i orbit around you i crave your light and warmth they can have the moon i'll dance in the sunlight if being strong is what you want then i need help with it if being afraid is a crime we hang side by side life is criminal it steals your joy if you let it but all of that changed when you walked in fighting for a love i've always wanted we're never done with killing time until it kills us i want to kil

South America (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

needed a Rosetta stone to figure out your language but your touch conveyed enough i understood my skin caught flame my head inside a dream laying beside a pool everything was good love in the air misunderstood but gorgeous in the springtime of my life you bloomed you brought me back from the brink black hair, pink lips, and green eyes that was all i needed at that time and South America has always been my favorite destination like when pen and paper meet our love created a poetry brown skin yellow sun a warmth that lasted a lifetime