Where I'm Supposed To Be (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you criticize me in one moment
and kiss me in the next
you fuck with my head
and you play on my heart
i feel crucified by your scorn
i feel the nails pierce my skin
as you stab me
must i bear the cross of your own self loathing?
must i suffer your sins?
but it leaves me feeling empty
how i long to make you whole
how i want to erase your pain
and the things you accuse me of
you are guilty of yourself
your glass house exposed
you explode
with wrath and fury
you try to knock me down
but i've endured struggles you can't imagine
i've been through a hell that makes you seem simple
you throw names at me
you cast words upon my soul
thinking that you'll destroy what's left
but i can take it
i'm more able than you imagine
feel the blood and sweat on my fingertips
that's what i want for me
no easy ride
we collide
good vs. evil
and my true beauty lies within the cracks
my facade slowly falls away
and if no one but me loves me once i've exposed my true self
that's enough for me
that's my karma
where i'm supposed to be


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