Undone (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

it was one of those pre-summer mornings
when the air is orange and yellow and crystal clear
the world looks like a Fellini movie
beauty on the outside
gore on the inside
out of all the people
you wanted me the most
you ran your fingers through my brown hair
and you caressed my tattoos and asked their stories
our eyes locked on one another
and the rotation of the earth slowed a bit
a drunken world
"how do i keep you?" you asked
"don't make me want to give up" i answered simply
we had a connection that can last lifetimes
a love without borders
a desire hotter than July
but i sensed its undoing
i could feel it coming
and i knew you could to
you snapped black and white pictures of me
knowing that they'd be reminders for you in the future
the only part of me you'd hold onto
as the passion cooled the love died a silent death
what we'd created together had come undone
the only heat on my skin now was the sun's kiss
"you said you'd never leave" you begged
"i lied" i admitted
how can you hang around when nothing feels right?
it's never been my style
so i rolled over, kissed your cheek
put my clothes on
and closed the door behind me
i looked back for just a moment
pregnant with that self doubt that complacency breeds in you
afraid that i'd never find this again
but my excitement overpowered my doubt
and life became new again


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