The Love Club (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

there's calculation in the sweetest chaos
we'll always win at this
we gladiate
but we're really fighting ourselves
wide awake
words in my brain
you can try and take us
but we're the gladiators
and the cries go out
and they lose their minds for us
our love,  their entertainment
there's a humming in the restless summer air
and electricity between us
we let our battles choose us
we like our fun archaic
the glory and gore of love
someone always suffers in the end
the other takes more than he gives
so, who wins?
and the choir serenades
as the grenades
drop bombs
missing limbs
torn up flesh
love kills
us in a fantastic way
the display
we can't take our eyes off it
sweat and blood fall onto the ground
and the fight continues
until one of gives in
gives up
our taste for blood is Roman
how we love to watch each other crumble
we all want to win
sandals strapped on
swords in hand
shields up
fighting with all of our might
seeking that one vulnerable spot to strike
we gladiate
but we're really saviors
we want nothing more to love
it's our drug
and it's the trophy for winning this match
and as my head strikes the marble
i know i'm the one who will give in
severed from my freedom
i give in
to be carried away
to be branded by this love
the scars i can still feel


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