A Letter To My Younger Self (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Dear Baby James,

In life you are going to meet people who judge you. people who will hurt you. people who will not give a fuck about how you feel. people who will cheat on you. lie to you. even abuse you. HOLD ON. That's just the bad stuff getting out of the way for the good stuff to follow.
You will find people along the way who will lift you up. love you. inspire you. challenge you to new heights. People who will nurture you and support your growth. You'll know more love than you know hate. HOLD ON
Yes, it will be tough to have not had a father figure. someone to teach you about the masculine side of yourself. someone to teach you how to fix a flat tire or a leaky faucet. someone to teach you about being strong. so, that part you will figure out on your own. But what you lack is nothing compared to what other people lack. HOLD ON.
You will be rebellious. You will be edgy. you will try on many hats and shoes along the way to finding out who you are. HOLD ON. because you will figure it out. and you will care less what other people think about you. and you will be freer. liberated. HOLD ON. that's coming.
You will always have faith. you will always have intuition. if that voice in your head speaks, listen. listen to your gut. it won't steer you wrong. But don't judge. If someone's energy isn't good, move around it. But don't judge him/her. you never know what walking in their shoes is.  HOLD ON. that faith that you have will never let you down.
You'll rise and you will fall. That's the beauty of life. You won't learn and grow from the easy stuff. HOLD ON. All of that goodness inside of you will expose itself. You'll fall into place. you'll be surrounded by the people you need to help you along the way. HOLD ON. Don't rush it. time will do that fast enough for you.
Love yourself and HOLD ON. it's going to be a crazy ride, but it will be worth it. Never forget that you deserve the best. Don't settle. The only things that will continue are the ones you allow. So let go when you need to. But also hold on when you feel you need to....HOLD ON.

Much Love,
Middle Aged James


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