I Get Out (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i get out
of all your boxes
i get out
of what you think of me
i get out
of the trap of your words
be they good or bad
they hurt in equal amounts
i get out
of my ego
and my own way
i get out
of cycles
of behavior than wins me nothing
i get out
of love that isn't love at all
i get out
of the roads paved with good intentions
too afraid of the hell they lead to
i get out
of needing to be a victim
i get out
of the idea of perfection
i get out
of my need to be needed
i won't engage in denial
i get out
stuck in a system that holds you emotionally hostage
i get out
of the race
what's intentional
is often one dimensional
i get out
of blame
no longer blaming others
accept that i'm the cause and the effect
i get out
of worshiping my hurt feelings
if you need more than that
i'm not available
i don't need your sympathy
i get out
these boxes can't contain me
these ideas that aren't mine
these ideals that are not founded in Him
i get out


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