Murdered By Your Medication (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i let my walls down
and i invited you in
i exposed pieces of me that are very hard for me to reveal
i left the perfect picture behind
and you acted like you were all about it
like a love like ours was hard to find
a phenomenon
our chemistry was more than science
but you blew a dark cloud above me
and you judged me
you took those things i shared with you
and you shot them back at me with blasting blows
knocking me senseless
i trusted you in a way that i haven't trusted anyone before
but you used our reconnection to punish me
for how i treated you in the past
there was no kindness
you had ill intent
you land blasted me for asking questions
you told me that i was a crazy victim
when in reality i was a victim of crazy
like all of those pills in your medicine cabinet
the truth is hard for you to swallow
that you're hallow
a shell of who you used to be
the hollow look in your eyes
your joy is a phantom
it's been slowly murdered by your medication
i wish you well
my heart will heal
i hope that your soul does
like Elvis you rely on pills to sleep and pills to wake up with
your distorted reality has no place for me
i'm just thankful that i ran from the trap
quick enough to not have to feel like your caretaker
it's my nature to nurture
so tomorrow i'll be much better to myself than i was today


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