The Vomitlicious Holiday Is Upon Us (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

My friend Amanda and I call Valentine's Day "vomitlicious". It's disgusting how commercialized it all is. Even more ridiculous that the decorations and advertisements start the day after Christmas. In my opinion, the commercialization of love is gross. And furthermore, they try to make you feel less than if you're not giving someone a card, some chocolates, flowers, and having dinner on Feb 14...i say fuck that! Feel great about yourself. Be grateful that you're not with any of the assholes you've put up with in the past. Have dinner with YOU. Have a glass or a bottle os champagne and toast yourself. You're a badass survivor who doesn't settle. You're not desperate enough to sacrifice everything you are and who you are to be in a relationship.
My point is not to be negative or bitter. I believe in love. i do. And i congratulate all those couples out there celebrating on V-Day. Even if it makes me vomit in my mouth a little. I'm just saying that if you find yourself single on this day, it's for a reason!!! Everything has reason!! Even unreasonable things. Scratch the surface and you will see. Feel good about yourself on this day. Love starts with you after all. Figure out what you want and what you'll accept in life and don't waver.
Xoxo and carry on.....


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