What Madonna's "Don't Tell Me" Means To Me (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

"don't tell me to stop, tell the rain not to drop"
one of my favorite songs
it evokes images of the great  Western sky
"tell me everything i'm not, but please don't tell me to stop"
say what you want to me and about me, but don't tell me to give up
"don't you ever tell me love isn't true"
just because yours wasn't doesn't mean that someone else's won't be
i have cowboy nature
a rebel stance
i want to ride my own saddle as hard and as fast as i see fit
i'll say when i stop
i'll make my own fucking rules
after i've fallen off 100 times and i'm covered in dust and bruises
i'll probably still climb back on that horse
if i have to ride into that orange sunset alone i will
but don't break my will
don't tell me to stop...
"tell the wind not to blow because you said so"
you don't have that power over me
you can't break me
i'm the cowboy and the horse
and love is something i'll learn on my own
you can't direct that
"tell the leaves not to turn but don't ever tell me i'll learn"
"take the black off a crow but don't tell me i have to go"
you can't make me quit
i'll do it when i see fit
and i'm 40 and i'm still riding
somewhere out there in that vast horizon
there is another wild, free, cowboy spirit
and i'll ride until i find him


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