Drown Yourself in Your Multitude of Pills (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you sent a text
you had issues you thought i could help you out with
you asked for my hand
you told me that i was someone you couldn't live without
swallowing the truth of how you really felt about me
was like swallowing shards of glass
destroyed the image i had of what love could be
i'll pick myself back up
i've hit the ground
but i'm not down for the count
just broken and bruised
won't let a love like yours do me in
too young and strong to give up now
but i looked in the mirror for a moment
and briefly had a discussion whether i should stay or not
and by the grace of God
i decided to stick it out
in my world Love is unconditional
and your judgments don't equal who i really am
my intention were pure
i'm flawed
you used that as ammunition to destroy me
but God spoke to me on the drive home
and i see that it is much more about you than it is about me
so drown yourself in your multitude of pills
and circle that giant drain of mania that you love so much
i won't be an epic fail with you
stronger without you
my love for you is now dead
a ghost
it may haunt me forever
but it can no longer hurt
my self worth isn't measured by you
it's in my own hands
and from this point on it's onward and upward


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