Backstabbers (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

if you're looking for answers
you must first ask questions
these backstabbers have existed for all time
they lie to themselves in order to sell you something you are searching for
outside of the walls of God
if they lie to themselves
what makes you think they won't lie to you?
Forgive them Father for they know not what they do
they are lost
separated from the flock
they know no better therefor they can are not capable of better
you do what you know
Caesar and Brutas
like Jesus to Judas
when your back is turned the knife goes in
they sell your soul in hopes of elevating their own
it's inescapable
just because i've turned the other cheek
does not make me weak
doesn't mean i won't carry my lesson to the street
and preach
i write these words for anyone who struggles
to guide you to look inside
we attract every character in our lives when we need the lesson
what is the lesson in what you're dealing with?
don't lose the game before you start to play
don't be led astray
let Him deliver you
revenge is His
maybe that's the lesson
to see that we are all God's children
backstabbers will stab
it's your job to love


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