
Showing posts from November, 2013

Own It (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

our ice cream conversations everyone wants the scoop you work those heels more than just an option you're the real deal your sex spills out into the world around you fireworks lighting up the night sky you own it we make love like someone's taking pictures it's picture perfect this love this love i feel for you ignites me guess whose it is it's yours it's no secret everyone sees us swimming in each other don't wanna fuck i want to make love i want to stand tall for you i want to be yours only own it

Up All Night (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i don't know what's hotter the penetration or your submission you give in we sin give in the act feels so good how could it be wrong? i smell like Tuscan Leather bound a sweet hurt there's a kink to our sex that lets me let go i don't think like i used to in the dark it doesn't count the weight of me on top of you our naked flesh speaks a language no words needed it's understood roles reverse and i give in sin what's the cost? who cares i just can't get enough because this lust is covered in love it's above our heads this bed alive with something magical up all night

Like a Fire I Don't Want To Touch (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

it was almost a homicide how traumatized i felt crushed under your hate i almost died cried went to my room and turned on songs that gave me strength light fight i couldn't give in let you win yeah, fuck that i'll pull myself out of the slump won't be your dump i tried to show you a sweetness i rarely let out show you what i am really about but you threw it in my face put me back in a dark place not filled with light i just might break my way out break your face to leave this place of hurt and betrayal hell i put my feelings out there still care for you even though you burned me like a fire i didn't want to touch not so much i don't want to hold on the scars remind me to put you behind me you hurt me gutted me left me a hollow shell crawling through hell of my own doing i'm renewing my soul gonna return to whole leave you behind me clearly i see you without me is how it should be

I'm Done Being We (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i refuse to fall down which why you can't stand me and you can suck my dick til your neck aches if you think i'll break down in front of you ever never and you beg me to finger you well you get the middle one middle aged crazed caged i still fight to find my place fuck the lines on my face disgrace still a rebellious soul whole completed by my own words never cared what you thought of me i let you in my bed for a little head and now i want you gone like a soldier i soldier on marching to my own beat i'll beat my own meat just so i don't have to deal with you your shit is so deep you drown in your own stench you make me fucking sick not just a dick you made me feel alive i strived to show you the real me something to see but you didn't care you stare at the outside only focused on my flaws so my claws are out and you're about to meet your match as i snatch control out of your hands and live my life the fucking way i se

A Fuckery I Can't Accept (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

that day in new orleans/ when i was feeling sinful/ but on fire in a good way/ when my skin still burned from the friction of our raw fucking on the floor/ it clouded my head/ i thought it was fuckery i had to accept/ at the time i accepted it/ but then i realized that it was lust/ there was no love there/ even though our eyes connected as we fluidly ravaged each others bodies/ i was drunk/ on cocktails/ on cock/ on tales/ tales i'd soon feel strong enough to speak of/ i feel that i should tell people not to fuck other people's lovers/ it never ends well/ you were someone else's property/ i might have held your cock in my hands/ but your heart was still asleep in bed with him/ and that's a fuckery i can't accept/ won't accept/ i can't be the other man/ i'm so much more than that/ and like new orleans/ i will continue/ filthy/ fucked up/ but a bit of eternity hangs over me/ and a simple storm like you will never count me out...but god damn the sex was hot

A New Energy (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

my mouth finds yours in dark sparks as i suck the air out of the base of your lungs and our tongues dance there's magic in your kiss passion in my touch we are intertwined divine and you encourage me to leave the past behind what lies in front of me is sweeter than anything i've ever known your smile burns a hole right through my heart when your hands touch me i feel the energy electric and your words fall like prayers on my skin our love is fertile it's giving birth to evolution us we are evolving resolving the grief we've held onto for so long falls like dead leaves leaving room for regrowth a new energy

Life Threw Us At Each Other (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

this counterfeit disposition can't be good for your health wasn't for mine you sit across the room from me and i see your smile i see the Light in you that initially attracted me to you i see the real you beneath all the guise you inspire me sometimes if you bore me i'm comfortable and if you interest me i'm scared my attraction paralyzes me but i want to be the real thing and so do you i see it in you and in this drag that life can be at times my makeup's all off who am i? i am a boy sitting across from you relating to your struggle because we are alike and the room smells like Peppermint oil we are both trying to quiet the storm that brews within us but maybe the storm is a gift and we should stop running from it and run toward it embrace our light life threw us at each other for a reason and it's unfolding it's beautiful in your evolution i see my own

Time Takes Everything Away (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

as the cork pops i realize that i'm drowning myself in an ocean of champagne because i couldn't swim in my love for you it was too much for me to handle so i fucked it up because it was the only way i knew but my heart breaks without you and i know that you know it words i can not speak i am able to write and if i could right those wrongs i would but i wouldn't be who i am if i let you change everything about me that doesn't satisfy you so i sip my poison let it enter my bloodstream and give me a buzz to kill the buzzkill of our ending i miss you i do but i'm drunk on this life and i'm addicted to the pain but your kind of pain kills this kind of pain fades headache vs. heartache cheers! i'll drink you away in time time takes everything away at some point

Yellow Brick Road (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

so i want  to wander and i need to wonder and if your love is real it'll be there when i seek it i need to be free to explore this life and maybe it's not my lot in life to be attached to someone else's star maybe it's my destiny to burn my own path through this life take the road alone unknown sometimes i feel like Dorothy Gale making my way down the yellow brick road encountering people who are broken incomplete who are searching for something just like myself whether it be love or strength or courage the road can be long twisted but i'll keep blazing my way my very own yellow brick road leading to self love but don't think i won't miss you along the way i will i do but i need to conquer this demon on my own and if we never get the chance to reunite in this lifetime perhaps i'll love you in the next

My Place Among The Stars (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i am made of earth i am covered with stars scars scarred my history is etched onto my flesh with ink pay attention there is a flow to it all not having the love of a father created an insatiable need in me to be noticed so i shone brightly darkly in equal proportions i walked a wounded path healed myself when i close my eyes i no longer feel that void i feel faith faith in myself faith in the process so every once in a while i dig my fingers into the earth  to feel grounded and when i feel that i need more light in my life i have more stars drawn on my flesh i run with the stars look up in the night sky and i know i belong to it i belong to the earth i will earn my place among the stars

Like A Phoenix (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

your words were like a shovel digging my way to hell verbally abused used misunderstood no good i'm fed up and pissed off better than pissed on you tore me down ripped up my heart splattered the street with my feelings you had no respect for how i felt but you couldn't keep me down i have wings stronger than your words your words your hell my fury i made a list took names yours was at the top and i fought my way out of your hell freed myself of the trap of your love no more shackles free to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of what we were of what i wished we would be fuck that i'm leaving who needs a jetplane when you can fly? mentally i'm already gone physically i'm working on it the withdrawals from our toxic love like a drug seizing me not pleasing me so hand me that shovel and prepare yourself i'm sending you to hell bitch burying your ass for good killing our love for killing me

Botox And Rape (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

I was chasing my youth you were chasing a high you missed i got botox you got raped they both stunned both changed us my symptoms were on the outside yours were on your inside i had tremors you have nightmares we both got led into temptation and we both paid the price for not accepting that we are perfect as we were we are we will be again perfect because Botox and Rape can't keep people like us down

I Will Teach You How To Touch Me (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

I can taste the memory of your old lovers in your mouth when i kiss you i don't mind they were a long hallway leading to me a single suitcase on the conveyor belt was it a long journey? ploughing through their bodies kissing them for practice undressing their bodies in the dark honing your skills Did it take you long to find me? You're here now Welcome home Leave your history behind you and give me your hand i will teach you how to touch me

Ghosthunters (by Miserlu from New Iberia, LA)

The nightly routine of hitting the bars somehow didn’t seem to feel right that night. I still don’t know how the two of us ended up driving around together that night, but we did. James was driving. We went all over Acadiana that night with no real direction or destination in mind. We passed some things more than once. We just drove and talked and listened to music and sang. I couldn’t even tell you the name of the street or where it even was, but something caught our eyes in that dark field. James stopped the car on the side of the road and we sat in the car for a little while, staring at the blue light hovering in the middle of the field. We whispered to each other, wondering what it was, why it was there, what it was for. We whispered as though someone were listening in even though there was no other person in sight…not that we could see anyway. The field was obviously part of a farm or ranch. It was large and surrounded by a fence. In the distance we could hear the occasional

Louis(I)Ana pt 2 (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

Lo Lou Louis i ana Louis(i)ana as a person as a state part male part female whole holes a deep history oppression slavery mistreatment abuse struggles fights conflict but beauty fun my friend my home us since i met him the meaning of the word has changed many meanings have changed he's taught me about our state and the state of us he's inspiring he's silly he makes me laugh he's smart he's a part of this state of our lives if you look past the flaws you find the beauty that's what he's shown me so, the series continues.....

I Am Who I Should Be (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i feel a sadness sink in i see your name written in granite and it's my name you are buried in the ground and i stand above it if i could dig my way through the dirt with my fingernails i would if i could hug you i would if i could have known you i would but that part of my life was lost i struggled with that loss i struggled with not knowing i struggled with being half half of what i am what i was what i could be i was raised feeling more Italian but i feel more French it's a struggle seeing your name etched in the granite is haunting because it's my name my name James Leland Ludeau part French part Italian what lies beneath is half of who i am what survives above is still just half of who i am who am i? am i you? am i me? am i a combination of us? i look like her i feel like you you wrote she spoke i'm incomplete yet complete i feel like i am who i should be but my past is shady

A Prey of My Own Trap (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i am colorblind i robbed you of your innocence in a bed filled with sin you pushed me in you thought you were ready for what i had it was  like a bittersweet symphony the way i ate your heart as the blood dripped down my chin i felt a sense of pride that i'd raped what you held dear as sweet as it was at first it turned bitter as i watched you wither i felt pity guilt you were the ultimate bet i'd done my ground work to win you over tasted your youth now i feel the villain penicillin won't cure what i've done to you corrupted you drug you down addicted you to the sex i waved before your face such disgrace but the smile on my face faded i felt jaded the game consumed you but it consumed me too i died a little inside "i don't trust myself with you" you said in my bed but it was me who you shouldn't have trusted busted a prey of my own trap i jump from this ledge to end the games the battle and on my way down i think

The Strength To Continue (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the hurt i felt the hand i was dealt i'm making peace with it now and how i'll never know you didn't get to watch me grow and sometimes i look up at the sky fight the urge to cry and all i hope is that you're proud of who i am today it's the only way i don't crumble under the weight of my past knowing that not all bad things last it gets better if you make it so it's all i know and the sun shines again and i smile inside i'm wild because the hurt was so bad it was almost homicide it was a rough ride not getting to know you and i couldn't do nothing to make it reverse a curse living without him wishing for what coulda been i'll never understand the hand i was forced to handle and like a candle i shine from the knowledge i have today it lights my way out the dark lights my spark but under the peace still lie my scars but i turned them into stars and they decorate my neck not such a wreck stars up and down my arm

Safe & Sound (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the dim blue light of early morning seeps in through the blinds illuminating your face waking up next to you watching you breathe you have no idea that i'm watching you sleep and your face is in my hands and it's beauty and perfect it inspires me to not be an asshole this connection we share grows and it's strong real deep you stir in your sleep there is peace in your face content and i love that you feel that way around me safe and sound you don't know that i love you but i know that you feel it i just haven't uttered the words yet because i'm in love with this phase we are in next to you in awe of your physicality a perfect man your eyes open and our eyes meet and you smile and it makes my whole world

Moses (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

You parted my thighs Like Moses commanded the Sea And you dove in Knew I'd hook you Harpooned by my lust for you My eyes rolled back in my head Pleasure took me Higher The feel of your wet lips The sound was oral There was a want hanging in the air You wanted love I wanted sex Roles didn't matter Sometimes it takes a dominant man to submit Commit Sins Alive in the dark Lighting my spark You fucked me with a greatness Mighty I craved it Open And I thought about it the next night As I explored the cavity that you'd awakened Raw Exposed Devoured And the picture in my mind is hotter than the picture on my phone We fucked religiously You exorcized the demons of my lust Be good or be good at it Fuck being good How can this be a sin? I let you in And we both exploded Intensity lit the room And I tasted the way I tasted in your mouth Your dick was like Morphine Killing the pain of my past Hazed The hangover left me wanting more Needing more

TO: Jennifer Chehardy (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

you taught me that strength has more to do with what's on the outside you showed me what's on your inside silent strength determination love you showed me that muscles aren't all that matters that to feel tough you have to love love is all we need you're full of it filled by it you inspire me you take me higher i look to you for example and you never fail me thank you for showing me that there is more to strength than facade i'm cultivating the inside now you are beauty you are kindness you are what i think strength is

Your Beauty (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i can't even scream anymore my voice lost my spirit found you silence me with your beauty quench the fire of my wildness i'm in awe you move around the room and i'm addicted i love to watch you breathe how your chest rises and falls and i know you're alive and it's beautiful and whatever i had to go through to get here was worth it you make it worth it you make me feel worthy there is a light inside of you and it seeps through your eyes and it shines in your smile your hands heal your words give me breath it's the truest love i've ever felt my sacred heart was carved by the fire it endured and now it rests firmly in your hands

To: Doty and Olivia Ruth (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

In your daughter's new smile i see your spirit i see that she contains a piece of you the piece of you that i love the most i haven't even met her yet and i know i'll love her i know you love her and i know that you'll be a mother like no other i know she will bring you a new peace i can see in her smile the healing power that love possesses you'll live on in her and that's beautiful i hope she has your silent strength i hope that she has nothing but love kindness knowledge i feel lucky to have my sister and now my niece

Stronger Than I Was (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i learned that if i stumble i won't crumble and i'll still be humble if i scream "fuck you" for hurting me for tearing my heart up today i can look back with thanks grateful that the hurt was temporary even if at the time it felt that it would never pass you didn't break me you just made me stronger than i was and i've done just fine without you i was so traumatized but it baptized me a new man if you coulda taken my life you woulda but you couldn't i stood up gathered my shattered dreams pulled myself out of the dumps took it on the chin but i'm done being your punching bag stumbled not crumbled the hurt the pain fueled me no longer angry and the tears that fall today are from gratitude before i met you i was a weakling and the mess you hurled on me made me stronger than i was

Strewn (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

it's a painful reminder like the tornado warning and it's the morning after and your life is torn in half battered shattered strewn but it's past you and it's a new chapter time to rebuild fortify and it's all a blessing what tore you up will build you back up from the ashes had to swallow the pill you shoved down my throat and i died took my heart stole my life but i seek the light and it seeps in and i'm pushing through this feeling and rebuilding and i'll be fireproof this time my wounds will heal the scars will be what make me beautiful a reminder of the pain you gave me and a symbol of the strength it took to become who i am today

Resurrected (by James Leland Ludeau IIII from Lafayette,LA)

you got be falling back like i'm baptized deeply into your love resurrected no longer in the dark my soul is filled with Light you guide me you hide me from the destruction that i almost surely bestowed upon myself you make me do better you make me know better higher heights better nights your love is my drug it's like a symphony for my soul each insecurity was like a nail crucifying me to a cross i couldn't get off of but you wrapped me in your arms and saved me from harm resurrected a part of me the real me set me free now i once again dance in the sun that battle's been won your are to me a savior who saved me from myself my behavior had me chained like a slave to my ego no longer imprisoned by my own negative thoughts i feel freer to share and my light shines my life's divine that cross is torn down and the fire it created warmed my frigid heart never going back there again in love with the love i feel from you and aware of

A Beautiful Kind of Pain (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

setting fire to yesterday new mindset it is what it is it will be what it will be it was what it was standing in the flames it's a beautiful kind of pain filled with Light born for flight like an enormous thunderstorm is past me every day a new learning curve and that hate i felt i converted into gasoline to burn the past and i stand in the inferno a phoenix from the flames burning it down burning through it burning past it what was once bleak is now charred and underneath the ruin lies the rebuild RESURRECTION throw the match and watch the past melt away the only way to ensure your future is to let the past rest behind you find the light feel the burn breathing in the smoke dying to come back stronger wiser a strength in me that feels biblical in its magnitude