Safe & Sound (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the dim blue light of early morning seeps in through the blinds
illuminating your face
waking up next to you
watching you breathe
you have no idea that i'm watching you sleep
and your face is in my hands
and it's beauty
and perfect
it inspires me
to not be an asshole
this connection we share grows
and it's strong
you stir in your sleep
there is peace in your face
and i love that you feel that way around me
safe and sound
you don't know that i love you
but i know that you feel it
i just haven't uttered the words yet
because i'm in love with this phase we are in
next to you
in awe of your physicality
a perfect man
your eyes open
and our eyes meet
and you smile
and it makes my whole world


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