The Strength To Continue (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

the hurt i felt
the hand i was dealt
i'm making peace with it now
and how
i'll never know
you didn't get to watch me grow
and sometimes i look up at the sky
fight the urge to cry
and all i hope is that you're proud of who i am today
it's the only way
i don't crumble under the weight of my past
knowing that not all bad things last
it gets better if you make it so
it's all i know
and the sun shines again and i smile
inside i'm wild
because the hurt was so bad it was almost homicide
it was a rough ride
not getting to know you
and i couldn't do
nothing to make it reverse
a curse
living without him
wishing for what coulda been
i'll never understand
the hand
i was forced to handle
and like a candle
i shine from the knowledge i have today
it lights my way
out the dark
lights my spark
but under the peace still lie my scars
but i turned them into stars
and they decorate my neck
not such a wreck
stars up and down my arm
fighting my way away from harm
i light a flame
distinguish the shame
of not having a father
hoping it'll no longer bother
who i am now
we find the strength to continue no matter what has happened to us


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