Time Takes Everything Away (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

as the cork pops
i realize that i'm drowning myself in an ocean of champagne
because i couldn't swim in my love for you
it was too much for me to handle
so i fucked it up
because it was the only way i knew
but my heart breaks without you
and i know that you know it
words i can not speak
i am able to write
and if i could right those wrongs i would
but i wouldn't be who i am if i let you change everything about me that doesn't satisfy you
so i sip my poison
let it enter my bloodstream
and give me a buzz to kill the buzzkill of our ending
i miss you
i do
but i'm drunk on this life
and i'm addicted to the pain
but your kind of pain kills
this kind of pain fades
headache vs. heartache
i'll drink you away in time
time takes everything away at some point


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