Like A Phoenix (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

your words were like a shovel
digging my way to hell
verbally abused
no good
i'm fed up
and pissed off
better than pissed on
you tore me down
ripped up my heart
splattered the street with my feelings
you had no respect for how i felt
but you couldn't keep me down
i have wings stronger than your words
your words
your hell
my fury
i made a list
took names
yours was at the top
and i fought my way out of your hell
freed myself of the trap of your love
no more shackles
free to rise
like a phoenix
from the ashes of what we were
of what i wished we would be
fuck that
i'm leaving
who needs a jetplane
when you can fly?
mentally i'm already gone
physically i'm working on it
the withdrawals from our toxic love
like a drug
seizing me
not pleasing me
so hand me that shovel
and prepare yourself
i'm sending you to hell
burying your ass for good
killing our love
for killing me


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