Life Threw Us At Each Other (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

this counterfeit disposition
can't be good for your health
wasn't for mine
you sit across the room from me
and i see your smile
i see the Light in you that initially attracted me to you
i see the real you
beneath all the guise
you inspire me
sometimes if you bore me i'm comfortable
and if you interest me i'm scared
my attraction paralyzes me
but i want to be the real thing
and so do you
i see it in you
and in this drag that life can be at times
my makeup's all off
who am i?
i am a boy sitting across from you relating to your struggle because we are alike
and the room smells like Peppermint oil
we are both trying to quiet the storm that brews within us
but maybe the storm is a gift
and we should stop running from it
and run toward it
embrace our light
life threw us at each other for a reason
and it's unfolding
it's beautiful
in your evolution i see my own


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