Yellow Brick Road (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

so i want  to wander
and i need to wonder
and if your love is real it'll be there when i seek it
i need to be free
to explore this life
and maybe it's not my lot in life to be attached to someone else's star
maybe it's my destiny to burn my own path through this life
take the road alone
sometimes i feel like Dorothy Gale
making my way down the yellow brick road
encountering people who are broken
who are searching for something just like myself
whether it be love or strength or courage
the road can be long
but i'll keep blazing my way
my very own yellow brick road
leading to self love
but don't think i won't miss you along the way
i will
i do
but i need to conquer this demon on my own
and if we never get the chance to reunite in this lifetime
perhaps i'll love you in the next


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