A Fuckery I Can't Accept (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette, LA)

that day in new orleans/ when i was feeling sinful/ but on fire in a good way/ when my skin still burned from the friction of our raw fucking on the floor/ it clouded my head/ i thought it was fuckery i had to accept/ at the time i accepted it/ but then i realized that it was lust/ there was no love there/ even though our eyes connected as we fluidly ravaged each others bodies/ i was drunk/ on cocktails/ on cock/ on tales/ tales i'd soon feel strong enough to speak of/ i feel that i should tell people not to fuck other people's lovers/ it never ends well/ you were someone else's property/ i might have held your cock in my hands/ but your heart was still asleep in bed with him/ and that's a fuckery i can't accept/ won't accept/ i can't be the other man/ i'm so much more than that/ and like new orleans/ i will continue/ filthy/ fucked up/ but a bit of eternity hangs over me/ and a simple storm like you will never count me out...but god damn the sex was hot.....i miss it sometimes...but i don't miss the way i felt after


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