Stronger Than I Was (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i learned
that if i stumble
i won't crumble
and i'll still be humble
if i scream "fuck you"
for hurting me
for tearing my heart up
today i can look back with thanks
grateful that the hurt was temporary
even if at the time it felt that it would never pass
you didn't break me
you just made me
stronger than i was
and i've done just fine without you
i was so traumatized
but it baptized
a new man
if you coulda taken my life
you woulda
but you couldn't
i stood up
gathered my shattered dreams
pulled myself out of the dumps
took it on the chin
but i'm done being your punching bag
not crumbled
the hurt
the pain
fueled me
no longer angry
and the tears that fall today
are from gratitude
before i met you
i was a weakling
and the mess you hurled on me
made me stronger than i was


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