2013:What A Turd Of A Year (Kinda) (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i want to stand over the toilet and shit out the turd of a year that 2013 was. I want to first express that i am thankful for everything that i have, and realize that a lot of people on this planet have gone through far, far worse than i did in 2013. But this year was a real low for me. But, let's address some positive things first. I met Louis Toliver and started writing again and got inspired to join the Louisiana Words crew. I even started this blog of my own. I ventured out of my comfort zone. i started going out again. I can thank Joel Bergeron for pushing me toward that. And even though we parted ways this year, i will always wish him well. I felt inspired to tattoo my body more this year. Stars and the word FORGIVE. which is huge. a big, big lesson for me. FORGIVE. let it all go. the hurt. the pain. the guilt. the past. FORGIVE and move on with you life. start new things. I took some spiritual steps forward after taking one HUGE step back...i thought that i needed Botox to look younger and try to beat time and gravity. And that backfired. In a big way. I had a reaction to it that i'm still dealing with. I wish now that i'd greeted 40 with open arms instead of a syringe full of a neuro toxin. FORGIVE. again, that theme. i had to forgive myself. and i learned a lesson and i'm stronger and wiser for it
I met Joseph Zenner this year, and he's had a big impact on the way i'm looking at my health now. everyone should check out his website. www.josephzenner.com In 2014 i plan on taking it more organic and holistic. i am going to work on loving myself. work on being less ego driven and more soul guided. less reactive and more proactive.
I took my first trip to Colorado thanks to Patricia Cameron and Glenice Bess. And it changed the way i see the world. i felt connected to those mountains. i definitely look forward to returning this summer.
I met Quentin Fontenot and realized that i was eager to date again. that i was eager to take some walls down around my heart. that i was ready to try a real relationship again. that i was willing to trust. and if i had trouble trusting, that i was willing to work on that issue.
i made peace with the issue that i never had a father. i wrote about it. i prayed about it. i cried about it. I wrote a duet with Louis Toliver about it. I can smile now when i think about him. no longer sad.
I met Kisha Kana and we connected over poetry and art. In fact, i was surrounded by artistic people this year who inspired me to new heights.
I pushed myself very hard late in the spring. i went on a crazy diet and ran like a mad man. I developed kidney stones, which hurt like a mother fucker. I learned that i am not 18. I need to treat my body with kindness and respect. and if i'm heavier now, i'll just deal with it. my worth is not my waist size.
I became a blond again this year after a weekend spent with Tia. and i'm still blond thanks to Patricia Cameron's mad skills. I can't imagine having dark hair again.
So,, now that i've written this, i see that 2013 had many great moments. and only a few bad ones. so, i forgive it for the bad moments. they made me wiser and kinder and stronger and ready for what lies ahead....Here's to a happy, healthy, successful 2014!!!!


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