Ego (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

kill them with kindness
turn the other cheek
without being meek
my ego battles with my light every day
sometimes i go astray
revenge isn't mine to have
it's the Lord's
i'm learning to roll with punches
dust myself off
and stand tall again
bring it
bring what you've got
i'll face it
erase it
it won't destroy me
employ me
to forgive you
to accept that what you've done was a favor in the end
can we still be friends?
sometimes yes
other times no
some people just have to go
but this person i am
is growing
and learning
and yearning
to be a bigger badder ass version of who i used to be
i'll always be a rock star
pulling on my cock star
giving the middle finger to the system
ego driven
but risen
from where i was
i let go what you did to me
i brought onto myself
no longer hate you
but won't date you
ever again
i've evolved past it
no longer slave to your shit


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