I Look Up And I See Stars (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i look up and i see stars
i look down and i see stars
stars cover me
guide me
soothe me
i came along and wrote a poem for you
to show you how beautiful you are to me
and how i want to turn this into something beautiful for you
i want to shine
i want to be your star
i want to hang onto you like the night
wrap my arms around your body and feel your warmth
it can be us against the world
you're special to me
lift off my blindfold and let me see again
the stars
on you
on me
it's a starry winter night
and my heart is exploding like a super nova
your mouth covers mine
and i utter not a word
you silence my wildness
my hand reaches for yours
and tonight don't let go
don't let time erode us in the rain
slow it down
whatever moments
whatever minutes i get of you
i treasure
i hang onto like stars hold onto the night sky
you're my something


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