An Indian Soul (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Like an Indian
I want to paint myself in red clay
and strip away the clothes that hide the beauty of what God created
i want to dance until my body aches
i want to adorn my head with feathers
so my soul can fly
i want to extend my arms
wrap them around the mountains
i want to stomp
stomp out all the negative forces that pull at us
i want to hear God's voice whisper to me in the winds as the whip around the mountain
i want to touch the rocks and feel their power
i want to drink of the natural springs and heal my body
i want to be one with the earth
i want an Indian name
He Who Seeks
it speaks
to me
i want to feel the sun on my face
as a i gaze up at the majesty of the mountain
i want to bathe in the creeks
i want to be wild
and free
and i want to show my gratitude for this life
for the earth around me
i want to breathe in the mountain air
and let it take away my pain as i exhale
i want to feel my spirit connect with yours
i want to see like an Eagle
with clarity and force
I want to dance in circles
praying for rain to fall down
and then i want to dance in the rain as thanks
i want to feel more
do more
i want to pay attention to what the earth is trying to tell me


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