Pike's Peak (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Pike's Peak looms
been here long before me
will remain long after me
its power sits there in its greatness
its power so great
that my attempt to climb higher that he wants
results in vertigo and a nosebleed
even the sun ducks behind him
he shadows the land before him
stealing the warmth of the sun
leaving cold fierce winds
that chill to the bone
reminding you who is in charge
it's humbling
the mountain and i
we have a bond
both unconquerable
both born of God's will
and God's presence is tangible in the rocks here
Like He pushed the earth with his fingers
and these ridges resulted
put here to remind us that He is ever present
and the energy of the Indians
their knowledge
their appreciation of the mountain
their respect for the earth
their gratitude
there is power in the granite and the quartz
the Indians knew this
and as i look up
i can feel the history weighing on me
and i bow my head
and acknowledge its greatness
as i continue my climb
up the mountain
and through my life


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