It's Amazing What A Boy Can Do (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

On a winter's night
walking arm in arm
the new stars on my arm ablaze with pain
the cold fills my lungs
i breathe it in
ready to begin
your head on my shoulder
such sweetness
you took the pretty picture of who i thought i was
and you smashed it into bits
sank me into blackness
and you sealed it with your kiss
want you so
don't want to let you go
it's amazing what a boy can do
i can not stop myself
my heart aches from the piercing poison arrowed you aimed and stabbed it with
it's heavy and it's bitter and it's tearing me apart
tearing me away from who i was
you have my heart
it's amazing what a boy can say
love you more than yesterday
if only i could set you free
you've worked your way inside of me
and it's crazy how easily i gave up the struggle to remain stubborn
want you and no one else


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