A Love Note by an un-named author

We are two independent people who have separate lives in separate places. However, you occupy my mind. And above the masses you are the one that holds my heart and attention. When we talk there is no room for dishonesty. Even if we only spend one hour a week with each other, it is always water for my sometimes parched spirit. My lanquid heart and time-bent psyche are refreshed by the hope I have for you in my life. 2001 has taught us life can be snuffed out in a moment. Let's make the most of our moments. I want to be a chapter in the story of your life, and if not that, at least a paragraph...a paragraph with a helluva lot of exclamation marks!!!! I want you and it's becoming increasingly apparent that i may need you too...
Un-codependtly yours,
X (to protect the innocent)


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