Am I Superman? (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

am i Superman? or am i Clark Kent?
when i don't have on the cape, do i still have something to offer?
when the kyrptonite with its glowing green power threatens
can i slip on the glasses and thwart disaster?
you meet me and you know that i possess traits of both
that i'm smart and super and i fight for what's right
i can be stronger than steel
but i'm not always just the hero
there are times when i could use hug
sometimes i don't want to take that flight
it's a lonely life
but it's all i've known
and whether i'm Superman or Clark Kent
you should still help me write my story
I want to win the boy
I want to be the boy who's won
I want to be yours
I want to rescue you from fear and danger and capture your heart
I want to dazzle you with my blue suit
but i also want to sit down and tell you what's going on with me when i only have a suit and tie on
Been blessed with courage
but also knowledge
so, see me as whatever role that you need
just need me
for i am Superman
and I am aslo Clark Kent
but far from ordinay


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